It full movie 2017 english hs
It full movie 2017 english hs

it full movie 2017 english hs

But I think they were playing a bit too safe here. And, as I said, it's not easy to adapt this book. The characters are a joy to watch, they absolutely nailed that aspect of adapting. But this version is darker and creepier, and so is Skarsgård's Pennywise. Since 1990 version is more of a fun Halloween movie, Curry is a lighter and sillier spin on the character.

it full movie 2017 english hs

And they both fit their versions perfectly. I thought both him and Tim Curry in the 1990 TV miniseries were great in their own ways. He's not always terrifying, but he did a fantastic job. And Bill Skarsgård is incredible as Pennywise. But still, not entirely (Mike was very underdeveloped). Every member of The Losers Club has their own personality and everyone stands out. One thing this movie nailed though is the characters. Adapting that book onto the screen is no easy job, so I'm gonna be a bit forgiving. The story isn't very faithful to the book, but it mostly keeps to the spirit of the novel and contains the essential elements. And it's by no means a bad movie, but it certainly is a bit of a disappointment. I had extremely high expectations that only increased when I heard about all the great reviews. Sometimes in the form of something they are most afraid off and sometimes just in the form of the clown and then this group of kids tries to put an end to the whole thing. It is a new adaptation of Stephen King's novel of the same name about a mysterious entity that shows up every 27 years to feed on children.

It full movie 2017 english hs